Weekly Announcements: Week of January 17th

This Sunday!

Our region of the state of Illinois has been moved to Tier 1 mitigations. This means that beginning this Sunday, we will welcome 25 people in the Upper Room and 25 people in the Lower Level. Accounting for our Grow Teams who are coming together to offer the service, we will be able to accommodate around 28 more people into the building! We ask you to wear a mask while in the building and hand sanitizer stations are available in both the upper and lower levels of the building.
If you are interested in joining us in person this Sunday, please head to our website and follow the “Make Your Reservation” link in the pop-up to reserve your space in the building!

We encourage you to continue checking in on neighbors, others who have been in your Small Group, on your Grow Teams and those the Lord brings to mind. Thank you all for your efforts to stay connected during this difficult time!

Last few days for 21 Days of Prayer!
Twice a year, we intentionally set aside 21 consecutive days to pray together and seek the heart of God for our church, city, nation and world as well as our own lives.

Since we cannot gather in person this year, we are live streaming each morning of prayer. Because we end this week, Thursday & Friday, the live stream is from 6am-7am and Saturday from 8am-9am. On our homepage is a link to the 21 Days of Prayer webpage to join each morning The recording is available for 24 hours if you cannot join us at the time we are live.

Each year, we lay prayer request cards on the altar to be prayed over every day. We invite you to contribute your prayer requests online this year. Each day, the webpage devoted to all things relating to 21 Days of Prayer will be updated with new prayer requests, giving the opportunity for all to be prayed over in real-time! The prayer request button is located on any Sunday morning webpage and on the 21 Days of Prayer page. Please let us know how we can pray with you!

Curious about leading a Small Group?
Our next Small Group semester begins on February 7th!
We would love to offer a wide variety of Small Groups for our community this coming semester!
If you are interested in leading a Small Group, and have not yet been trained, please contact Bob Pursley.



NEXT Steps in February!
If you would like to learn more about how to know God, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference, NEXT Steps is for you!
NEXT Steps will be held on Sundays in February at 11:45am in the lower level of the church. If you are interested in joining this group, please click here!



January 31st, we have the opportunity to serve a free meal to the community by curbside pickup at 11:45am.
Big thanks to Jen Kitzmann and our Community Meal Grow Team for preparing and distributing that meal!
If you would like to contribute financially, please mark “Community Meal” on your donation.




The current Elders have asked Pamela Cronkright to consider serving as an elder at Christ Community. As a part of our process we are asking you to communicate with us any questions, concerns or affirmations. Please reply to this email or use the contact form on the website to submit those by this Friday, Janaury 29th.

Care Packages
Jesus instructed us to love our neighbor, so in an effort to equip our community to do just that, we have assembled care packages that are available for you to pick up at the church and take to any friend, family member or neighbor in need.

We assembled these gift bags with Covid positive patients in mind, but they would be appropriate for anyone. If you would like one of these free bags to take to a friend, family member or neighbor simply contact the church to arrange a pick-up time during church office hours. This is a great way to actively be the hands and feet of Jesus!