Weekly Announcements: Week of December 23rd
Our next opportunity to host the community for a free meal is coming up immediately after service on December 30th. Please mark your calendars to join those that gather!
This meal is only possible because of your generosity!
Please click here to sign up for a portion of the meal.
Please click here to sign up for a portion of the meal.
Coming Up!
Beginning January 6th, we enter our season of 21 Days of Prayer! During this time, we will gather at 6am Mon-Fri, 8am on Saturday and 10am on Sunday to join our hearts, minds and words together in prayer.
Plan on joining us for this powerful time together!
Beginning January 6th, we enter our season of 21 Days of Prayer! During this time, we will gather at 6am Mon-Fri, 8am on Saturday and 10am on Sunday to join our hearts, minds and words together in prayer.
Plan on joining us for this powerful time together!

We all have questions, and we all wonder. Explore God creates a space for us to ask hard questions about life, God and Jesus. Join the conversation in our discussion group beginning January 17 at 6:30pm and on Sunday mornings beginning January 20th! Feel free to invite those around you who are ready to Explore God!