Sunday Morning Gathering | May 31, 2020
Worship Playlist
Today’s teaching notes
Resources for Kids
Video Resources
Corresponding Activities
Upcoming Events
Join us for a Virtual Fireside Chat with Pastor John
Wednesday, June 3 at 7pm
Or join by phone:
Zoom ID: 889-459-8050
Zoom Phone-in option: 312.626.6799 (enter id: 8894598050)
PASSWORD REQUIRED: Password will be emailed to you on Monday (6/1/20) or contact for the password.
Or join by phone:
Zoom ID: 889-459-8050
Zoom Phone-in option: 312.626.6799 (enter id: 8894598050)
PASSWORD REQUIRED: Password will be emailed to you on Monday (6/1/20) or contact for the password.
Summer semester of Small Groups begins next Sunday!
Create an account at to view our growing list of Small Groups that will be offered this Summer. During this time of distancing, Small Groups bring us closer than ever! You are invited to join a group this Summer!
Email with any questions.