Weekly Announcements: Week of January 8th

Step 3: Be Informed
How has the Creator designed you?
What has God purposed you to do?
Join Pamela Cronkright, immediately after service Sunday, to explore these questions. You will leave empowered to take your next step, as you grow with the Lord!



We are on day 4 of 21 Days of Prayer!

Gathering weekdays, from 6a-7a, and 8a-9a Sat., we will come together to pray first, and seek the Lord and His purposes for us, our church, Small Groups, our city, nation and world!




Our next Small Group semester will begin just after 21 Days of Prayer ends, on January 29th.

Life happens in Small Groups!

What is something you already do in your life, that you can invite others to join you in?
Or, what would you like to begin doing, that you can gather a group around?
Please be prayerful about leading or joining a group this semester.
Any questions or thoughts about groups? Contact Bob Pursley or Sandra McGrath.


Everyone is invited to grab a few friends and come to the church for a Bunco and Euchre night!
Friday, January 20

Come have a great night!



Community Calendar

January 28: Power Breakfast at Bethel Lutheran Church for men & boys
7a-9a; tickets-$5  Please call 815-434-7113 for more details

January 29: Basketball & Pizza at the Y
Jr. High-College Age students; bring friends and join the fun; 4p-6p

February 4:  Ottawa Prayer Center Launch
5p-6:30p; Upper Room (807 LaSalle)
Join us for live worship, prayer and a short presentation about this new Christian prayer ministry!

May 11: Rachel Cruze & Dr. Les Parrot present Money & Marriage
For pre-release, discount tickets and more information about the perfect date night, click here.
As an added bonus, enter MMLaunch to waive the service fee!