Weekly Announcements: Week of March 12th


Step 3: Be Informed
How has the Creator designed you?
What has God purposed you to do?
Join Pamela Cronkright, immediately after service Sunday, to explore these questions. You will leave empowered to take your next step, as you grow with the Lord!


Women & girls age 12 and up are invited to join our first Sisterhood gathering! We are chosen to flourish, in the purpose and specific design of the Lord. Women, let’s come together to encourage and empower each other!
We will gather in the Upper Room, at 10am on March 18th, and begin with breakfast. Please RSVP by filling out the contact us form.


Ladies Progressive Dinner
Saturday, April 1, beginning at 4pm
Ages 12+

Invite your sister, mother, daughter, friend, and join as we eat our way through four courses, all at different homes!  At each stop, we will enjoy each other and hear testimony or a devotional!
Tickets are $10 each and available at Information Desk, through March 26.  Bring cash or check on Sunday to get your tickets right away!

We are still securing teams of 2 chefs and hosts within Ottawa city limits.  If you are interested in blessing others in this way (and showing off your mad chef skills), please contact Melissa Ruvalcaba.

Upcoming Events

April 5, 2017: First Wednesday Gathering
April 7, 2017: Night of Worship: Led by the School of Kingdom Worship Team