Weekly Announcements: Week of December 2nd


Please join us tonight for First Wednesday. We will gather at Pastor John & Glenda Nordstrom’s home from 7p-8p, for a time of prayer and worship.
Click here to request the address.




We have just a few more days to gather as many non-perishable food items and toiletries as we can! The goal is for them to weigh at least 500lbs all together!

Please bring regular sized items (no family sized cans/boxes) and no glass jars!

Items can be brought to the church office. Monetary donations will also be accepted. ($1=1lb) All donations will be delivered on Friday, December 7th.


During the Advent season, we will be serving a light breakfast before service on Sunday mornings.


Breakfast will begin at 9:30am, before service at 10am. This is a great time to connect and enjoy conversation. Plan on joining us!





Come celebrate the season!

Adults, (age 18+) are invited to gather at Pastor John & Glenda Nordstrom’s home Friday, December 14th, from 7p-9p.



Join us Sunday, December 16th, for our Children’s Christmas Program! The program will be held during service, which begins at 10am.
Speaking parts of the program will practice Wednesday, December 12 from 6p-7p and all children will practice Saturday, December 15th from 8:30a-10:30a. Both practices will take place in the Upper Room.


Listen in to this life-giving message, as Pastor John explains The Power of Returning when living a generous life!