Weekly Announcements: Week of February 2nd
You are invited to Pastor John & Glenda’s new home at 7pm. We will have a time of prayer and worship. Email info@christcommunityottawa.org for the address!
Small Groups have begun!
Connection, community, fun, support, freedom, friendship and help are just a few things you can find in a small group!
Click here to learn about available groups as well as join one!
NEXT Steps is a 4-week mini small group to help guide along our spiritual journey. From becoming a part of CCC to discovering our purpose, NEXT Steps will provide a path.
Join us on Thursdays in February at 7pm in the Boardroom!
Financial Peace University!
Finding freedom in finances is such a life-changing opportunity!
Classes will be held on Sundays at 5pm, beginning February 9th.
The investment for class materials is $130. Contact Dan Hennenfent with questions or to sign up!
You are invited to a special dinner this Sunday to hear from Chloe Maxon about her missions opportunity to Guyana, South America!
The meal is provided at no charge, but everyone will be invited to financially help her go!
The cost for the trip is $2300. If you cannot attend the dinner and would still like to support her, you can give online here. Or you may contact Janet Maxon.
Sunday, February 9th // 11:45a-1:15p // Lower level 807 LaSalle St.